Project Highlight: Luck Companies X Tablespoons Bakery
Brittany Beck | November 3, 2021
Over the past month, we had the opportunity to see a fun, feel-good project come to life with one of our clients, Luck Companies and a local nonprofit, Tablespoons Bakery.
It all started when Sarah Biedenharn, the brand manager at Luck Companies reached out to Anna Harris, an account manager at Brandito, asking her to help bring back chocolate rocks (a fan favorite) to their Luck Stone customer holiday gift collection.
Chocolate rocks are not a standard item in the promotional products world. In addition to the rocks proving to be difficult to find, Harris had to find a partner that had a facility built to handle and package food. She knew she had to think outside the box, and quickly thought of a local non-profit. Within just a few days, she was connected with Elizabeth Redford and Kelsey Dunn at Tablespoons Bakery.
Tablespoons Bakery is a vocational culinary training program through the non-profit Next Move Program, that provides internship experiences and employment opportunities for young adults with developmental disabilities.
The Tablespoons team was a perfect fit. They had the facility to complete the project, were able to source the chocolate rocks, tins and stickers, and the project lined up beautifully with the skills they work on with their staff.
“Our Bakers use scales to measure ingredients such flour and sugar for every recipe, so this was a skill we’d been working on since day one.” Dunn said.
“Number sense is a critical thinking skill required to know when to add or take away in order to measure precisely. When first joining the team many of our Bakers required number lines as visual support. But with the right support, routine and repetition we’ve mastered this skill set. This order was a confidence builder and reflection of their hard work. Today we heard rejoices of ‘wow, I can’t believe we packaged 1,500 tins!’”
Overall, the process was seamless, and it worked well for everyone! Luck Stone got their beloved chocolate rocks, the Tablespoon Bakery staff got to work on perfecting their skills and we all got to support a great organization!
“Sure, we were relieved that Anna had helped us find a way to bring the chocolate rocks back to our customers, but more than that we were really proud,” Biedenharn said.
“We’re super careful about the partners we choose to work with. It’s important that they understand our values and serve as an extension of our team. Seeing Anna take the initiative to reach out to a non-profit for this work really drove it home that Brandito not only understands our mission to ignite human potential; but lives it every day. We’re looking forward to continuing to partner with Tablespoons Bakery for years to come!”